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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Key Legal Tips & Knowledge For A Entertainment Entrepreneur

Hello to all of my loyal Stars On The Rise followers I hope you all are doing well. I am bring another special blog post that will help my any of my loyal followers who might want to start their own entertainment business such as a record label or artist management company. I recently researched and viewed three videos from entertainment lawyers on the topics of Intellectual Property, Fair Use and Copyright Law. I feel that all three of these topics need close attention to anyone who wants their entertainment venture to succeed. So sit back and take notes they might become very helpful when starting your own entertainment business venture.

Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks, and Copyright

In this first video attorney Peter Davis discusses some of the important steps need to start a business venture. He also focuses on intellectual property what it is and how valuable it is to successful business. He focuses on ways to protect your intellectual property with tool such as having confidentially agreement with your staff. Mr. Davis also offers great tips on the importance team building within a company and how to do so successfully.

Bring Your Own Doc : BYOD - What is Fair Use in a Documentary Film? with Entertainment Lawyer, Michael C. Donaldson

In this video attorney Michael C. Donaldson discusses the complicated world of fair use and how to avoid any legal issues that might come up when getting the rights to use someone else’s work to use in your project. He breaks down and explains the many ways of getting permission under fair use for a project. He teaches and explains the importance to detail need when getting permission to use someone’s work to ensure that you all of the rights need to use a piece of work before using it because some case you may need to gain multiple rights before a another persons work can be used.

A Seminar in Copyright Law with Entertainment Lawyer Greg Eveline

In this video attorney Greg Eveline discusses copyright law and how can effort your business.  The importance of copyrighting your work and respecting the copyright of someone else’s work. He also explains the different verse and options of copyright. Another focus of this video is copyright infringement how it works and your rights if this happen to you and your business.

All three of these videos offer great tips and information that will help any one wanting to start their own entertainment venture great tools to get them started on the right foot. What I took from these videos was the importance of legally protecting your work and respecting the rights of another person’s work you may want to use. To have a successful business you have to follow and respect the proper legal channels and procedure to have success and again respect in your specific business industry. I hope you found this special blog post eye opening and feel free to check these videos out on your own to see what you take from them. Remember you can follow me on Twitter @StarsOnTheRise and like my page on Facebook just look for the logo!

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