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Thursday, October 31, 2013


Hello everyone I hope everyone has had a great week so far and have some fantastic plans for Halloween. But before we get to all of that trick or treating let get down to business of pick another "Artist Of The Week" This week I have pick a up and coming boy band that goes by the name SJ3. The little that I was able to find out about them was that they are 3 best friends who bring a different element to the group. Tone, DezZ, and K.T who are all from New Jersey bring R&B, Pop and Hip Hop together to come up with their sound. To me their is something special about them I can't quite put my figure on what it is. I think they have a slight maturity in their sound but are still able to relate to their audience. They don't seem to be just another boy group or band to come off the assembly line. So take a listen and tell me what you think. Remember you can follow me on twitter at @StarsOnTheRise or like my page on Facebook just look for the logo!

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