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Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Value of Knowing How To Negotiate

Hello to all of my loyal blog followers and I hope everyone is having a great weekend to prepare for the upcoming workweek. As you all know Stars On The Rise is dedicated to shining a lot on music artist that I feel that are going to be the next big thing in the music industry. From time to time I like to post about other topic that I feel are key elements of the music industry and today’s blog post is know different. In this special blog post we will be discussing the art of negotiation.
Being an effective negotiator is just as important within the music industry as in any other form of business.  So for this blog post I research and viewed three video presentations on three different negotiation topics that I felt were important to anyone who wants to be an effective negotiator. Those topics include Positional bargaining, Mutual benefit and BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement). So I hope you are sitting down and have a pen and paper to take notes. I think you about to get some helpful information to help you in your next big negotiation.
On of the first video I watch was by the author of the book Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In William Ury. In this video he talks about some of his many travels around the world in different types of negotiations situations. He also goes over the principles and tools that he believes are important to being an effect negotiator. One of the important tool or topic he discusses is positional bargaining. When he brings ups the topic of positional bargaining he brings up to important things that are important in this tactic. When dealing with any negotiation you need to remember to listen and be respectful to the other party. Positional bargaining requires you to listen to the other party’s side to understand the other side’s point of.  William Ury points out that the most common mistake that people make when negotiation is that they talk more than they listen. So remember when dealing with positional bargaining listening is very important for this tactic.
The next video I viewed was by women named Margaret Neale. In the video titled Negotiation: Getting What You Want.  This video focused on two different topics that include mutual benefits and women in negotiations. Margaret talks about the role of women and how they are view when it comes to negotiations and the tool and techniques that women should use to be more effective negotiators. Margaret talks about the importance of the mutual benefit in negotiations and the steps and research needed to get to the mutual benefit that will help both parties. The key to the mutual benefit tactic is to do the research to find the common goal or a benefit for both parties so you get what you want and the other party is getting something in return. This is an important part of this tactic that can make or break a negotiation.
In the last video that I view it talks about and discussed the topic of BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement). In this video Stephen Stuart who is the president of the Humanist Society of Victoria in Australia.  He discuses how to be an effective negotiator. He goes over and reviews the methods in the book Getting Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving. He focuses in on the topic of BATNA and how it should be used.  He also discusses how the tactic should also be avoided. He stresses the importance of having a back up plan if a negotiation starts to fail or break down. It is also equally important to never have to use it.
All of these tools are very important to have an effective negotiation. I think in my own personal negotiation to help me have much more effective negotiation. What I have learned is that before any negotiation you do your research, come prepared and always have a back up plan.  I hope that this information was helpful to each of you. Remember you can follow me on Twitter @StarsOnTheRise and like my page on Facebook just look for the logo.

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