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Saturday, May 3, 2014

What I Have Learned About What Makes A Successful Business Plans

Hello to all of my loyal Stars On The Rise followers. I hope you have had a great week and are doing some serious relaxing during your weekend break. Once again I am bringing you another special blog post. This one is what I have learned about developing a successful business plan. I think we can all agree that any good business plan starts with an idea. The next step is have faith in that idea and getting over that fear and doubt to start putting the work in need to make that idea a reality.

I have done a lot of research from different experts that included Andrea Cockerton who believes that it is important to ask investor for money before they run out of money. Chuck Blakeman who believes it is not the business plan itself that is important, but the blood, sweat and tears to put into that business. I also found guidance from a former student of the college I am currently attending FullSail University Jayson Whitmore who believes you should sell yourself through your business plan. I have found all of these experts’ views to helpful to me when building my own business plan. I think all three will help anyone’s business plan in to an actual business.

What I have learned that it is very important to show your passion and love for your business idea. It is also important to work hard and put all to make that business idea a reality. If you really want your business idea to stand out from everyone else’s and not just put a bunch of number and facts in front of a potential investor.

I am currently working on my own business plan for an artist management company because you all know how much I helping new talent. I feel that the areas that investors will look at most will be my marketing budget and for this reason I think I need to look at increasing the amount of money I am spending to market my business. I hope that some this post was helpful to any of my followers who might be thinking of starting their own business.

Remember you can follow me on Twitter @StarsOnTheRise or like my page on Facebook just look for the logo!

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